Our growth across the region necessitates navigating a multiethnic, multicultural
continent. In Asia, arts, culture and heritage is a common binding force. We
partner with some of the finest institutions in pursuit of intrinsic as well as
instrumental value in the area. Our support has ranged from language and
literature, music and performance arts that are a rich showcase of the region and
continue to inspire as they move into contemporary forms.
Over the last ten years, we have helped more than 300 artists, photographers, writers and graphic designers by sponsoring events that celebrate Asia’s diverse and vibrant
culture. In 2013, one such event was the Nukilan Jiwa Art Exhibition held at Balai Seni Maybank, Kuala Lumpur, which showcased the artistic talents of 25 disabled artists.
Nukilan Jiwaku gives people with disabilities the chance to express their creativity, as well as help them to become economically self-sufficient.
G4-SO1, G4-EC7, G4-EC8
This is the second time
that my artwork has been
exhibited at Maybank
under the Nukilan Jiwaku
Art Exhibition. This
exhibition has given me
the self-motivation to
upgrade my art skills and I
have challenged myself to
create different art forms.
Thank you Maybank for
giving me the opportunity.
Siti Aishah Yaacob
Disabled artist
Target: We aim for Balai Seni Maybank
to be an inclusive platform for art,
culture and heritage.
Tan Sri Dato’ Megat admiring the work of artist Mohd Khairuddin Bin Che Rani at the Nukilan Jiwaku Art Exhibition