Maybank Sustainability Report 2013 - page 40

In 2013, we launched an animated TV series, CashVille Kidz Season 2, co-produced
byMaybank Foundation andMoneyTree (M) SdnBhd. The programme educates
students about the importance of soundmoneymanagement and focuses on
financial lessons that range fromthe importance of savingmoney to developing
positive spending habits andmaking smart investments.
The pilot of CashVille Kidz series reached over 1.5 million viewers — more than ten times its initial target. We also
expanded the initiative to include a Financial Literacy Challenge that tests primary school students on their financial
planning skills. The programme has been taught at 180 schools throughout Malaysia as part of schools’ extracurricular
activities. CashVille Kidz has also reached out to more than 50,000 students through on-the-ground activities and
online mediums. We also hope that the benefits of CashVille Kidz extend beyond our direct audience, resonating out to
the community at large. This will help create an ecosystem of affirmative change where the benefits will continue long
after this programme is completed.
Our efforts have already received recognition as we were declared joint winner of the Efma-Accenture Innovation
Awards 2013, under the category ‘Responsible Business’ in Paris. The Award was participated by over 150 banks from 54
Apart from CashVille Kidz, we held a series of children savings programmes with our strategic partners such as
Legoland, Nestle, MegaKidz and a school adoption programme (under Bank Negara Malaysia). We also introduced
new coin boxes for the children's segment under our Community Financial Services.
viewers on
financial education
BII provides financial education on the
importance of savings for students in six
elementary schools. The purpose of this
is to educate children on the importance
of saving. The programme is carried out
together with the Sekolahku Pecinta Alam
dan Lingkungan (SPeciAL) Yogyakarta
Financial literacyforthe
Joint winner of the Efma-Accenture Innovation
Awards 2013, ‘Responsible Business’
Students at a CashVille Kidz engagement session
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