Personal Data Protection
Customer privacy has been and will always remain our top priority. With the enforcement of Malaysia’s Personal Data
Protection Act 2010 (PDPA), we will continue to enhance our internal processes, policies and systems to ensure that
the personal data of our customers remain confidential and protected at all times.
We embarked on a project to implement the requirements specified under the PDPA. This project, which started
in May 2012, is jointly led by Group Compliance and Group Tax to ensure that the entire Group complies with the
requirements. PDPA was introduced to regulate the processing of personal data used during commercial transactions
by Maybank to safeguard the interests of data subjects, in this instance, our customers.
The first step in complying with PDPA is to register with Jabatan Perlindungan Data Peribadi Malaysia (JPDPM), the
governing body under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia regulating PDPA in Malaysia. We were the first
institution in Malaysia to register with JPDPM.
Amongst the activities undertaken by the PDPA project team are:
• Issuance of Privacy Notice to all customer touchpoints to spell out customer’s rights and the Group’s obligation
under the Act.
• Incorporation of Maybank Group PDPA Policy and other internal policies necessary to Maybank’s internal processes
and procedures to ensure that all staff adheres strictly to the requirements of PDPA.
• Strengthening of the Group’s internal systems to ensure that customer’s consents are well managed. We respect our
customer’s request not to receive marketing communications from our Maybank Group of companies.
• Enhancing our internal systems to provide customers access to their personal data which resides in our systems.
This exercise will comply with the Access Principle under the PDPA. We intend to be fully compliant with the
requirements of PDPA within the timelines set by JPDPM.
Human Rights
We do not condone any breaches to human rights. We consciously engage with various entities and institutions to
ensure that we comply with the highest standard of human rights within our sphere of influence. Compliance of human
rights is reviewed regularly, particularly on risks that are most material to our business. We have in place systems and
processes to ensure the dignity, individual liberty and equality of all employees including our whistle-blowing policy
and the Corporate Integrity Pledge. Due to the nature of our business, there are no known violation of child or bonded
labour as indigenous rights.
We recognise the rights of all employees to form a union. In practice, we have a good relationship with all our unions
and conduct regular engagement sessions to understand and support them. 70% of our employees are covered by
collective bargaining agreements. There is an ongoing negotiation with the National Union of Banking Employees
(NUBE) and the Malaysian Commercial Banks Association (MCBA). We are collectively addressing this as an industry.
We fully support workers and their rights as long as it is within the provision of the Industrial Relations Act 1967.
Policy on
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination
and violates the dignity of individuals.
Through our policy on sexual harassment, we
are committed to preventing and addressing
sexual harassment through awareness
and education as a transparent complaint
resolution mechanism. All complaints are
handled with the highest discretion and
require prompt response. Any disciplinary
process is subject to the highest principles
of natural justice. We have investigated
possible sexual harassment cases, even if
the individual does not wish to file a formal
Policy on
gifts and
We have a Group-wide policy on donations
and sponsorship. Every year, we receive
more requests than we can support and
clear guidelines are necessary to ensure
transparency and accountability in decision
making. Consideration basis depends on
the area of impact as well as number of
beneficiaries. There are strict application
procedures including procedures in writing,
providing additional information when
required and approval by Group for all requests
by regional offices and sectors involving an
amount exceeding RM750.
Dialogue with Investors
We aim to create and maintain relationships of trust in the market in order to achieve a fair reflection of the Group
and to promote our regional reputation. We remain committed to keeping the market informed of relevant Group
information, enabling both existing and potential investors to evaluate our business, performance and prospects.
In 2013, the Group’s Investor Relations programme engaged actively with the investment community and financial
markets, as we took on in-house meetings, roadshows and conferences. We also continued with Maybank Investor
Days, which provided opportunities for investors to obtain more information on business sectors and engage with
key leaders.
For 2013, the three investor days covered include Maybank Islamic, Bank Internasional Indonesia and Community
Financial Services. Our strong commitment to communicate with the investment community not only enhances
investors’ understanding of the Group, but also serves as a platform to obtain important feedback from investors
and to ensure we keep abreast of shareholder expectations from the Maybank Group.
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