Maybank Sustainability Report 2013 - page 51

In partnership with the Badminton
Association of Malaysia (BAM), we
supported the Maybank Malaysia
Open 2013. A charity auction was
held in conjunction with the game
and autographed memorabilia of
players raised RM207,000 in sales.
Through a digital interactive
badminton game, we managed to raise funds for Hospital Selayang’s Liver Transplant
Centre, which complemented Maybank Foundation’s own pledge of RM100,000
to the Centre. The funds collected went to the purchase of a reliable and safe
transportation vehicle for organ transfer.
Together with BAM, we organise training and tournaments for young badminton
players, enabling national players to inspire and share their expertise with the new
generation. This will also be a platform where national players will be able to share
their expertise and inspire the younger generation of players, ultimately elevating
our country’s status in the sporting arena.
The BII Bali Marathon 2013
attracted over 2,000 participants.
We fully reviewed the feedback
from last year’s marathon
and improved the logistical
arrangements as well as water
stops. There were four race
segments, including a 5-km
wheelchair race. The run route showcased Bali’s iconic landscape and there were
also post-marathon activities at the Bali Marina and Safari Park.
In conjunction with the marathon, we engaged with the community in the Gianyar
area where we provided incentives in the form of savings to 486 students from 27
schools in villages along the marathon route. We also sponsored 40 wheelchair
athletes who joined in the 5-km race.
for Liver
Transplant Centre,
Hospital Selayang
Datuk Lee Chong Wei signing a t-shirt in support of Maybank Foundation’s Charity Auction Night
held during the Maybank Malaysia Open (MMO) Badminton 2013
Participants of the BII Bali Marathon 2013 after the sound of the starting gun
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