Maybank Sustainability Report 2013 - page 72

Group President and CEO spends a day in the shoes of Maybank Group Customer Care (MGCC)
Datuk Farid started the day by addressing the MGCC colleagues at the Monday Morning
huddle briefing. He took the opportunity to encourage the team to continue to demonstrate
excellence, make a positive difference and lasting impression when serving our customers.
He reminded everyone to share feedback with their Line Managers and teams on ways
to improve themselves and the workplace. He spent the day with three customer service
executives by listening to and observing how they managed customer enquiries.
In 2013, the Group EXCO undertook a unique EXCO First-Hand Day
job shadowing experience at various customer facing touchpoints. The
intention was for EXCO members to understand the daily challenges
faced by staff as well as to appreciate their achievements. Staff gained
an added perspective for service improvements from the EXCO
member’s sharing.
Another successful initiative was the We Are Here to Serve (WAHTS)
programme which gave more than 300 supervisors experience working
as Customer Service Assistants (CSA ) at our branches. These initiatives
contribute to improving engagement levels, promoting a customer-
centric culture amongst all Maybankers and providing an avenue to
discover new ideas for improvements.
At the same time, it is important to hear markers of success in our
employee engagement efforts. To further internalise the core values
and transformation agenda, the My T.I.G.E.R. Journey Video Photo
Competition, a joint collaboration betweenthe Group Human Capital
(GHC) and Group Strategy & Transformation Office, invited Maybankers
to share inspiring stories of their transformation journey with Maybank.
A total of 249 entries were received, with Group EXCO participating
to show how the values have impacted their lives. The competition
reaffirmed that we are on the right track in reaching out to our staff.
Maybankers have embraced our T.I.G.E.R. values and transformation.
More importantly, they are taking ownership of the transformation
Serving customers at various touchpoints
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