STAFF across
maybank over
Target: A diverse workforce provides a
healthy pipeline and competitive work
environment that will enable us to deliver
our outcomes in the long term.
age of the
Are our women engaged? Are they playing in an equal field?
Whilst there is no difference between pay gaps or opportunities, we realise that more needs to be done to bridge how
women have to choose between family and career. They need to be given choices to combine both family and career. The
key to long-term productivity is important to keep women in the workforce.
In 2013, we formalised a Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) policy to provide clear guidelines on flexibility at the
workplace. The FWA empowers staff to manage and optimise their working hours without affecting their business and
personal commitments. The FWA scope covers a fixed flexible schedule, flexitime, telecommuting or flexible work location
and reduced hours or conversion to part-time employment. Since its inception, 110 staff have benefited from FWA.
Another major work-life balance initiative is the setting up of the Maybank Tiger Cubs Childcare Centre (MT3C) located at
Menara Maybank. MT3C can accommodate 20 children at any one time, with eight trained care providers managing the
centre. The first childcare centre of its kind to operate on purely an emergency basis in Malaysia, MT3C aims to support
staff by ensuring that while at the MT3C, children are in a safe environment with high-quality care, coupled with engaging
and educational activities to benefit them. The centre caters to children from three months to six years old.
The decision to operate as an emergency childcare centre is to enable Maybank to cater to a wider community of staff
instead of a typical childcare centre which only caters to a few staff due to capacity limitations. MT3C also aligns Maybank
with the national agenda to encourage and promote women participation into the workforce.
The MT3C and FWA complements Maybank’s other holistic policies, which include 90 days’ maternity leave, paternity
leave and provision for delivery charges for eligible staff. We also have a range of financial assistance, subsidies and
recognition programmes for staff and their children as well as various well-being programmes.
Our 2013 International Women’s Day celebration was a platform to promote sisterhood as well as share and support each
other. We organised a forum ‘Using your strength to build a powerful workforce’ and a talk on breast cancer. Sessions
like this provide an opportunity to touch on current challenges faced by career women and ways of overcoming them
successfully. It is clear that women are increasingly shouldering the challenge of leadership roles in the Group. This annual
event, therefore, is a reminder that the recruitment, retention, full participation, and advancement of women are business
imperatives, and how we need to also focus on the value women bring to the workplace.
Our intention is to deliberate on women’s workplace issues and practices that can help women reach their full potential.
We want to focus on identifying issues and initiate change efforts to create an inclusive work environment, integrating
diversity with Maybank’s core values to ultimately create an inclusive and equitable work environment as well as a peak
performing culture for women to learn, earn, thrive and empower themselves and others.
Our International Mobility programme is aimed at encouraging movement to cross-fertilise ideas and develop multicultural awareness. Building different perspectives is
important particularly to those who are being groomed for leadership positions. We bring everyone together for cultural sensitisation as we navigate the landscape of global
business. During the year, we also launched our Regional Festive Campaign during Hari Raya Aidilfitri with a common greeting and a CR initiative that mobilised over 1,000
Maybankers visiting 50 hospitals in Malaysia and Indonesia, distributing goodies to over 14,000 healthcare providers working on the first day of Hari Raya. Similar festive
events were conducted for all the major religious festivals, as part of our multicultural awareness initiative.
To increase cross-border mobilisation to
further our regionalisation plans.
more than
100 talents
As our talents grow and become more agile,
we foresee more cross-border movement and
will provide the necessary support for our
talent to excel.