We aim to develop a strong Shariah talent pool for the Islamic finance
industry. The talent development pipeline will contribute towards
propelling the industry and MGIB to greater heights.
Shariah-qualified with banking knowledge talents are scarce in the market. Our aim is to groom talents specialising in Shariah and Islamic finance with business and
banking acumen. MGIB has embarked on a Shariah talent development programme, namely the Shariah Scholarship Award. In line with our aspirations to be a global
leader in Islamic finance, we’ve also extended opportunities to talented international undergraduates from Indonesia, Pakistan and Japan to undertake an internship
programme within MGIB to gain hands-on working experience through on-the-job attachments. In addition, we’ve welcomed students and academicians across the
globe to share the journey of MGIB’s Islamic banking development through various student visits for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Another key pillar in the SCoE is the development of thought leadership through the medium of publication, public awareness engagements and through various global
forums and platforms. On this note, MGIB has published articles in newspaper columns of mainstream newspapers in Malaysia and Singapore on various topics related
to Shariah and Islamic banking and has also published its first book on the topic of Shariah non-compliance risk entitled ‘Shariah Non-Compliance Risk Management &
Legal Documentation in Islamic Finance’, written by Associate Professor Ahcene Lahsasna. In addition, Maybank Islamic also provided sponsorship for the publication
of ‘The History of Islamic Banking in Malaysia’, a book that was initiated by the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
Thought leadership is important to showcase not just our abilities but also to steer the industry to greater heights and further consolidate Malaysia’s position as
a global Islamic finance hub. MGIB is often invited to discuss and present at reputable global forums and platforms in the likes of Islamic Financial Services Board
Summit, Malaysian Banking Summit and World Islamic Banking Conference on issues pertaining to the development of Islamic finance and the economies we operate
in. One such highlight was our partnership with the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) for the 9th WIEF in London, with the theme centred on a ‘Changing World,
New Relationships’, which saw participation from world leaders.
We also continuously engage and work with regulators across different regions to further strengthen and facilitate development of Islamic banking in our countries of
operations and interests.
En. Muzaffar Hisham as one of the panelist during the 9th World Islamic Economic forum in London