Maybank Sustainability Report 2013 - page 94

In 2012, Maybank introduced several plans, namely the My First Car Loan for the younger generation, the car4cash refinancing plans as well as auto collaboration with our
SME and Business Banking. We launched Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA1M) in line with the government’s aspiration to increase household investment. We also offer
loan packages to partly finance student’s education with selected universities as well support the government’s aspiration towards ensuring affordable housing. Maybank
currently actively participates in housing schemes initiated by the government. Our My First Home Scheme programme is backed by Cagamas Bhd, which caters specifically
to first time home owners. We also have in place the Home Financing Guarantee Scheme under Syarikat Jaminan Kredit Perumahan Berhad (SJKP).
In 2013, Bank Indonesia implemented a new set of rules to restrict the ownership of credit cards in the lower segment. However, young individuals starting out still need
access to credit. BII tapped into the first-jobber segment, which had no credit history, and provided them with a lease of life through our New Jobber card. We also have in
place programmes to create awareness of financial management amongst young professionals who are navigating work and high living cost.
Maybank has the most extensive financial network in Malaysia with 399 branches and 2,777 self-service terminals
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