Maybank Sustainability Report 2013 - page 91

One of the tools that were developed to
support customer’s financial management
is the Maybank2u Planner, which is
available to all customers and allows them
to set financial goals, and view supporting
charts and reports. This free tool helps to
make smarter decisions about their money.
With the Maybank2u Planner, customers
learn to understand financial management
in terms of income, spending habits,
goals and savings in a simpler and more
systematic way. The aim is to avoid having
them fall into debt or financial problems.
SupportingCustomers inDifficulty
It is important for us to develop ways to support customers in financial difficulty and make real enhancements to help them
avoid debt problems. We work in partnership with the debt advice industry, including the Credit Counselling and Debt
Management agency, or commonly known as Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK), to support people in financial
difficulty and to provide themwith the tools they need to gain better understanding of their financial circumstances.
In Singapore, we work with the Central Singapore Community Development Council (CDC), a government agency, in
financial inclusion programmes for people with financial difficulties. Through the C.A.S.H UP (Cultivate A Savings Habit)
programme, we help low-income families cultivate good saving habits by matching their savings for a period of nine
months, up to a cap of S$1,000. The programme is currently funded by the Maybank Foundation, and Maybank Singapore
waives the account opening and administrative fees for beneficiaries for two years. To date, 671 families have participated
in the C.A.S.H UP programme and Maybank Singapore has matched S$180,000 in savings for low-income families.
Another programme is Maybank Singapore’s ‘Breadwinner Protection Programme’, which helps the lower income segment
in the community. Under this programme, breadwinners of low-income families receive free personal accident insurance
coverage for five years. This provides some degree of financial security for the dependants, in the event the breadwinner
gets involved in an accident and is unable to work. The programme has insured breadwinners for 516 families with financial
protection worth more than S$27 million.
Rural Outreach
Maybank Cambodia celebrated its 20th Anniversary in Cambodia by reaffirming their commitment to nation building and
corporate responsibility initiatives to rural communities. Maybank Cambodia was honoured as ‘The Most Outstanding Social
Performance Bank’ during the inaugural Outstanding Banking and MFI Awards 2013, organised by IDF Asean. The award
was in recognition of Maybank Cambodia’s long-term initiatives with the People Improvement Organisation to uplift the
livelihood of children living in slum areas through the ‘Child Sponsorship — A Way Out of the Dump’ programme.
“Our current and future
customers will be more
selective about the companies
they do business with. They
will expect higher levels
of service and real-time
interaction with us. This
presents a tremendous
opportunity for us, but it will
also mean changing the way
we manage our business.”
Datuk Lim Hong Tat
Group Head, Community Financial
Services and CEO, Maybank Singapore
Customers being served at a Maybank branch
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