Maybank Group Scholarship Programme FAQ

1. What is the Maybank Group Scholarship?

  • Full scholarships are awarded to selected students with high potential in their academic and extra-curricular activities as well as outstanding leadership qualities, who are sponsored to study at top-tier universities in Malaysia and the United Kingdom.

2. I am a Maybank staff. Am I eligible for the Maybank Scholarship?

  • Maybank Group Staff is not eligible to apply for the Maybank Scholarship. However, confirmed staff whose children and relatives who meet the qualifying criteria may apply for the scholarship.

3. What are the qualifying criteria for the Maybank Scholarship?


  • Total gross household income of not more than RM120,000 per annum
  • Not more than 22 years of age
  • Currently enrolled in 1st year undergraduate studies at any of the following local public universities:
    - Universiti Malaya (UM)
    - Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
    - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
    - Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
    - International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
    - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
    - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
    - Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
    - Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
    - Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
    - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
    - Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)


  • Total gross household income of not more than RM180,000 per annum
  • Currently enrolled in a Foundation programme, and have been accepted to pursue a full-time degree in selected top-tier universities in the UK (Admission Letter or Conditional Letter Offer)
  • Not more than 22 years of age
  • Foundation studies in A-levels, International Baccalaureate, Diploma, Matriculation or equivalent

4. What are the fields of study accepted to qualify for the Maybank Scholarship?

  • Candidate’s fields of study must be related to the Bank’s core business and activities:
  • Arts and Design
  • Business and Management
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Education
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Environmental Science / Studies
  • Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Social Sciences
  • Future Ready-Related Courses (for example: Data Science and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Digital Marketing, Environmental Sustainability, etc.)

5. What is the scholarship package for Maybank Scholarship?

  • This full scholarship covers tuition fees, laptop, books allowances, monthly allowances for living and accommodation.
  • As for overseas scholarships, the full scholarship will also include flight tickets at the beginning and end of the period of study, student visa, insurance coverage, one-time settling-in allowance and one-time clothing allowance.

6. What is the selection process?

  • Maybank conducts a rigorous and robust selection process to select the scholarship recipients.
  • Shortlisted candidates will then be required to attend several assessments and interviews determined by the selection committee.

7. What are the expectations of a Maybank Scholar during the period of scholarship?

  • You are expected to perform at the highest level throughout the duration of your study. Scholars must satisfy all course works, examinations and/or dissertation requirements, as well as maintain a CGPA of 3.00 every semester.

8. Will Maybank provide scholarship to students to pursue pre-university or postgraduate education?

  • The Bank only provide scholarships to undergraduate studies.

9. Upon completion of the study programme would I be contractually bounded to work at the Bank?

  • All Maybank scholars are bonded and guaranteed of a job placement. The exact time a Maybank Scholar starts serving the scholarship bond will be from the date he/she is employed.
  • Our scholarship bond are as follows:
  • Local studies: 3-year bond
  • Overseas studies: 5-year bond

10. Can I apply if I am currently receiving loans/grants/bursaries from other organisation?

  • Candidates who are currently bonded with other scholarship providers are not eligible to apply.
  • However, candidates who are currently receiving education loans, study grants, zakat assistance or any form of financial aid from other organisations without an obligation to serve a scholarship bond, are eligible to apply for Maybank Group Scholarship Programme. Nevertheless, candidates must terminate their current financial aid upon accepting a scholarship or bursary from Maybank.

11. I just missed the application closing date. Can you accept my application if I submit now?

  • Applications received after the specified closing date will not be accepted. Should you meet the minimum requirements, you are strongly encouraged to apply the following year.

12. I applied last year but was not successful. If I reapply, will my application be considered?

  • All applications are treated as a fresh application. Thus, your application will be accepted for consideration if it meets the stated requirements.

13. How do I apply for Maybank Group Scholarship?

14. I have a question not listed here, who do I contact?

  • Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or alternatively you may contact us (+603 20708833, extension 36175, 36173, 36177, 36179) for all scholarship-related enquiries.