This annual Sustainability Report (SR) is to be read alongside our Annual Report 2013. It reports on progress made in
2013, issues of importance to us and our future aspirations. Our report articulates what sustainability means to us and
how we incorporate sustainability throughout our business as well as our key commitments. In our 53 years, we have
focused on going the extra mile to provide access to financial services. Our mission to humanise financial services
informs our business and we continue to show growth in this area through this Report.
This report provides a review of our activities in 2013 and details our future commitments, goals and priorities with a
particular focus on access to financial services, regionality and Islamic finance as the underlying ethical compass of the
The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the Global
Reporting Initiative — Core Option. 2013 is the first year that we have utilised the GRI G4 as a Guiding Principle to
inform our reporting framework. G4 has provided us a framework to focus beyond data collection and management.
We are now moving towards performance outcomes. With this move, we are also rethinking our structures and
management process. In a sense, this is a year of transitions as we build linkages from GRI G3.1 to G4 and move towards
a more clearly defined plan in our sustainability journey. The report has been externally assured by SIRIM.
As we rethink and examine our footprint in the community, workplace, environment and marketplace, we are building
linkages across our business value chain. This is an important transition as it forms the building blocks towards a more
comprehensive community roadmap and sustainability plan. As a regional financial services institution, our products
and services reach out to the diverse needs of ASEAN economies. Towards this end, we not only need a high performing
workforce but also one that is agile and committed to sustainability.
As we progress on this journey, there continues to be challenges. We are constantly looking for new ways to report. In 2013, we will be incorporating more stakeholder
perspectives, both internal and external. As far as possible, the Report captures the various stakeholder perspectives which will hopefully reflect our ongoing commitments
and testament to our progress. As far as possible, we have also identified gaps in our key priorities and what we are doing to achieve them. We are working now towards a
more ambitious corporate responsibility plan and hope to use this plan to create more holistic sustainability practices moving forward.
The report covers Maybank, all subsidiaries and regional offices. It does not include outsourced activities, joint ventures and suppliers. We have attempted to report on
all issues that are material to Maybank.
Reporting Period
This report, which is produced annually, covers the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 (Fiscal/Financial Year 2012). For selected performance indicators
that have been historically tracked, we have included data from the past two years.
Audience and Distribution
This report is distributed to all shareholders and key stakeholders including business partners, regulators, industry groups, media and the community. It is also available
online via our website
The Report refers to the period 1/1/2013-31/12/2013 (unless indicated otherwise at certain points), and:
refers to all activities of Malayan Banking Berhad (including principal subsidiaries)
addresses all company’s operations (offices, products and sales)
contains quantitative and qualitative results for all indicators presented for the last three years (unless otherwise specified).
we see sustainabilitydifferently
G4-23, G4-28, G4-29, G4-30, G4-31, G4-32, G4-33
We welcome your comments, thoughts
and remarks, which should be
directed to:
Corporate Affairs
Malayan Banking Berhad
11th Floor, Menara Maybank
100, Jalan Tun Perak
50050, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-20708833
Fax: 03-20722504
This sustainability report is available
on the web at